i would just like to point out that i LOVE mike, &&i DO think that his death should be recognized.
however, should the world stop?!
Everyone is running around like chicken's with their heads cut off because MJ died.
honestly guys, it was going to happen EVENTUALLY.
DO NOT GET ME WRONG, i had my moment of silence.
i EVEN teared up a bit.
but i feel like his ONE death is taking away from everything else in the world.
.... the deaths that occur in the middle east?!
&&were not talking about ONE person here, we're talking about multiple people.
NOT ONLY THAT, but is it fair that ALL THESE PEOPLE who were all up mikes ass last week, talking bad about him&&all of this stuff now all of a sudden are mourning his loss. YOU people are the ones who basically killed him.
&&PLEASE PEOPLE, if you NEVER actually sat down&&listened to a mike album before in your life, &&you just now decided to watch thriller&&remember the time, that does not ....
i repeat ...
DOES NOOOOOOT make you a fan.
shut up&&stop jumping on band wagons
man his death is showin some true colors people.
sorry people.
just statin facts.
R.I.P. Michael Jackson.
i truly appreciate the music you took the time to bless us with.
R.I.P. Farrah Fawcett&&Whitney's Momma
I didn't know you two, but i hope you rest in peace.
well said ma'am.